12oz Honduran “Finca Los Pinos” French Roast


Another Amazing Honduran coffee, one of our favorites here at Crowbeard.  Coffee growers from all over the world have been experimenting with many different methods of processing their coffee.  From Washed, getting it done with a hose… ok ok, a little bit more involved.  To placing the beans in a deprivation tank and letting the beans ferment.  This particular batch was fermented in an oxygen deprived tank.  It allows for other chemical processes to take place and lead the flavor in the right direction, when adding a particular taste or flavor to the bean.  I really enjoyed this coffee.  I will continue to enjoy this coffee.  Its the coffee you’ve been looking for…

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Tasting Notes:  Lemon Candy, Raisin, Black Tea, Sugarcane

Region:  La Laguna, San Sabastian

Varietals: Typica & Ihcafe 90

Process: Washed+ Anaerobic Fermentation

Elevation:1897 MASL

Additional information

Weight .75 lbs


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